MOTD Parsing#

We provide a really powerful system to parse servers MOTDs.

The main class#

Firstly there is the main class, which you get directly from status methods.

class Motd(parsed: list[ParsedMotdComponent], raw: RawJavaResponseMotd, bedrock: bool = False)[source]#

Represents parsed MOTD.

parsed: list[ParsedMotdComponent]#

Parsed MOTD, which then will be transformed.

Bases on this attribute, you can easily write your own MOTD-to-something parser.

raw: RawJavaResponseMotd#

MOTD in raw format, just like the server gave.

bedrock: bool = False#

Is server Bedrock Edition? Some details may change in work of this class.

classmethod parse(raw: RawJavaResponseMotd, *, bedrock: bool = False) Self[source]#

Parse a raw MOTD to less raw MOTD (parsed attribute).

  • raw – Raw MOTD, directly from server.

  • bedrock – Is server Bedrock Edition? Nothing changes here, just sets attribute.


New Motd instance.

simplify() Self[source]#

Create new MOTD without unused elements.

After parsing, the MOTD may contain some unused elements, like empty strings, or formattings/colors that don’t apply to anything. This method is responsible for creating a new motd with all such elements removed, providing a much cleaner representation.


New simplified MOTD, with any unused elements removed.

to_plain() str[source]#

Get plain text from a MOTD, without any colors/formatting.

This is just a shortcut to PlainTransformer.

to_minecraft() str[source]#

Get Minecraft variant from a MOTD.

This is just a shortcut to MinecraftTransformer.


This will always use §, even if in original MOTD used &.

to_html() str[source]#

Get HTML from a MOTD.

This is just a shortcut to HtmlTransformer.

to_ansi() str[source]#

Get ANSI variant from a MOTD.

This is just a shortcut to AnsiTransformer.


We support only ANSI 24 bit colors, please implement your own transformer if you need other standards.


Those are used in parsed field.

class Formatting(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Enum for Formatting codes.

See Minecraft wiki for more info.


STRIKETHROUGH and UNDERLINED don’t work on Bedrock, which our parser doesn’t keep it in mind. See MCPE-41729.

BOLD = 'l'#
ITALIC = 'o'#
RESET = 'r'#
class MinecraftColor(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Enum for Color codes.

See Minecraft wiki for more info.

BLACK = '0'#
DARK_BLUE = '1'#
DARK_AQUA = '3'#
DARK_RED = '4'#
GOLD = '6'#
GRAY = '7'#
DARK_GRAY = '8'#
BLUE = '9'#
GREEN = 'a'#
AQUA = 'b'#
RED = 'c'#
YELLOW = 'e'#
WHITE = 'f'#
class WebColor(hex: str, rgb: tuple[int, int, int])[source]#

Raw HTML color from MOTD.

Can be found in MOTD when someone uses gradient.


Actually supported in Minecraft 1.16+ only.

hex: str#
rgb: tuple[int, int, int]#
classmethod from_hex(hex: str) Self[source]#

Construct web color using hex color string.


ValueError – Invalid hex color string.


New WebColor instance.

classmethod from_rgb(rgb: tuple[int, int, int]) Self[source]#

Construct web color using rgb color tuple.


ValueError – When RGB color is out of its 8-bit range.


New WebColor instance.

class TranslationTag(id: str)[source]#

Represents a translate field in server’s answer.

This just exists, but is completely ignored by our transformers. You can find translation tags in Motd.parsed attribute.

id: str#


These are basic transformers, that you can use to show a MOTD in different places (like browser or even terminal).

class HtmlTransformer(*, bedrock: bool = False)[source]#

Formatter for HTML variant of a MOTD.


You should implement obfuscated CSS class yourself (name - obfuscated). See this answer as example.

transform(motd_components: Sequence[Formatting | MinecraftColor | WebColor | TranslationTag | str]) str[source]#
_format_output(results: list[str]) str[source]#
_handle_minecraft_color(element: MinecraftColor, /) str[source]#
_handle_web_color(element: WebColor, /) str[source]#
_handle_formatting(element: Formatting, /) str[source]#
class AnsiTransformer[source]#
ansi_color(color: tuple[int, int, int] | MinecraftColor) str[source]#

Transform RGB color to ANSI color code.

_format_output(results: list[str]) str[source]#
_handle_minecraft_color(element: MinecraftColor, /) str[source]#
_handle_web_color(element: WebColor, /) str[source]#
_handle_formatting(element: Formatting, /) str[source]#
class BaseTransformer[source]#

Base motd transformer class.

Motd transformer is responsible for providing a way to generate an alternative representation of motd, such as one that is able to be printed in the terminal.

transform(motd_components: Sequence[Formatting | MinecraftColor | WebColor | TranslationTag | str]) _END_RESULT_TYPE[source]#
abstract _format_output(results: list[_HOOK_RETURN_TYPE]) _END_RESULT_TYPE[source]#
_handle_component(component: Formatting | MinecraftColor | WebColor | TranslationTag | str) tuple[_HOOK_RETURN_TYPE, _HOOK_RETURN_TYPE] | tuple[_HOOK_RETURN_TYPE][source]#
abstract _handle_str(element: str, /) _HOOK_RETURN_TYPE[source]#
abstract _handle_translation_tag(_: TranslationTag, /) _HOOK_RETURN_TYPE[source]#
abstract _handle_web_color(element: WebColor, /) _HOOK_RETURN_TYPE[source]#
abstract _handle_formatting(element: Formatting, /) _HOOK_RETURN_TYPE[source]#
abstract _handle_minecraft_color(element: MinecraftColor, /) _HOOK_RETURN_TYPE[source]#
class NothingTransformer[source]#

Transformer that transforms all elements into empty strings.

This transformer acts as a base for other transformers with string result type.

_format_output(results: list[str]) str[source]#
_handle_str(element: str, /) str[source]#
_handle_minecraft_color(element: MinecraftColor, /) str[source]#
_handle_web_color(element: WebColor, /) str[source]#
_handle_formatting(element: Formatting, /) str[source]#
_handle_translation_tag(element: TranslationTag, /) str[source]#
class PlainTransformer[source]#
_handle_str(element: str, /) str[source]#
class MinecraftTransformer[source]#
_handle_component(component: Formatting | MinecraftColor | WebColor | TranslationTag | str) tuple[str, str] | tuple[str][source]#
_handle_minecraft_color(element: MinecraftColor, /) str[source]#
_handle_formatting(element: Formatting, /) str[source]#