Internal Data#

This page contains some internal objects, classes, functions, etc. These are not a part of the Public API and you should not use them, as we do not guarantee their backwards compatibility between different library versions. They are only documented here for linkable reference to them.

class ServerPinger(connection: TCPSocketConnection, address: Address, version: int = 47, ping_token: int | None = None)[source]#
handshake() None[source]#
read_status() JavaStatusResponse[source]#
test_ping() float[source]#
class AsyncServerPinger(connection: TCPAsyncSocketConnection, address: Address, version: int = 47, ping_token: int | None = None)[source]#

Bases: ServerPinger

async read_status() JavaStatusResponse[source]#
async test_ping() float[source]#
class BedrockServerStatus(address: Address, timeout: float = 3)[source]#
request_status_data = b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfd\xfd\xfd\xfd\x124Vx\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'#
static parse_response(data: bytes, latency: float) BedrockStatusResponse[source]#
read_status() BedrockStatusResponse[source]#
async read_status_async() BedrockStatusResponse[source]#
class Address(host: str, port: int)[source]#

Bases: _AddressBase

Extension of a NamedTuple of host and port, for storing addresses.

This class inherits from tuple, and is fully compatible with all functions which require pure (host, port) address tuples, but on top of that, it includes some neat functionalities, such as validity ensuring, alternative constructors for easy quick creation and methods handling IP resolving.


The class is not a part of a Public API, but attributes host and port are a part of Public API.

host: str#

The hostname or IP address of the server. Is a part of Public API.

port: int#

The port of the server. Is a part of Public API.

classmethod from_tuple(tup: tuple[str, int]) Self[source]#

Construct the class from a regular tuple of (host, port), commonly used for addresses.

classmethod from_path(path: Path, *, default_port: int | None = None) Self[source]#

Construct the class from a Path object.

If path has a port specified, use it, if not fall back to default_port kwarg. In case default_port isn’t provided and port wasn’t specified, raise ValueError.

classmethod parse_address(address: str, *, default_port: int | None = None) Self[source]#

Parses a string address like into host and port parts.

If the address has a port specified, use it, if not, fall back to default_port kwarg.


ValueError – Either the address isn’t valid and can’t be parsed, or it lacks a port and default_port wasn’t specified.

resolve_ip(lifetime: float | None = None) IPv4Address | IPv6Address[source]#

Resolves a hostname’s A record into an IP address.

If the host is already an IP, this resolving is skipped and host is returned directly.


lifetime – How many seconds a query should run before timing out. Default value for this is inherited from dns.resolver.resolve().


dns.exception.DNSException – One of the exceptions possibly raised by dns.resolver.resolve(). Most notably this will be dns.exception.Timeout and dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN

async async_resolve_ip(lifetime: float | None = None) IPv4Address | IPv6Address[source]#

Resolves a hostname’s A record into an IP address.

See the docstring for resolve_ip() for further info. This function is purely an async alternative to it.

minecraft_srv_address_lookup(address: str, *, default_port: int | None = None, lifetime: float | None = None) Address[source]#

Lookup the SRV record for a Minecraft server.

Firstly it parses the address, if it doesn’t include port, tries SRV record, and if it’s not there, falls back on default_port.

This function essentially mimics the address field of a Minecraft Java server. It expects an address like, if this address does contain a port, it will simply use it. If it doesn’t, it will try to perform an SRV lookup, which if found, will contain the info on which port to use. If there’s no SRV record, this will fall back to the given default_port.

  • address – The same address which would be used in minecraft’s server address field. Can look like:, or, or, or

  • lifetime – How many seconds a query should run before timing out. Default value for this is inherited from dns.resolver.resolve().


ValueError – Either the address isn’t valid and can’t be parsed, or it lacks a port, SRV record isn’t present, and default_port wasn’t specified.

async async_minecraft_srv_address_lookup(address: str, *, default_port: int | None = None, lifetime: float | None = None) Address[source]#

Just an async alternative to minecraft_srv_address_lookup(), check it for more details.

resolve_a_record(hostname: str, lifetime: float | None = None) str[source]#

Perform a DNS resolution for an A record to given hostname


hostname – The address to resolve for.


The resolved IP address from the A record


dns.exception.DNSException – One of the exceptions possibly raised by dns.resolver.resolve(). Most notably this will be dns.exception.Timeout, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN and dns.resolver.NoAnswer

async async_resolve_a_record(hostname: str, lifetime: float | None = None) str[source]#

Asynchronous alternative to resolve_a_record().

For more details, check it.

resolve_srv_record(query_name: str, lifetime: float | None = None) tuple[str, int][source]#

Perform a DNS resolution for SRV record pointing to the Java Server.


query_name – The address to resolve for.


A tuple of host string and port number


dns.exception.DNSException – One of the exceptions possibly raised by dns.resolver.resolve(). Most notably this will be dns.exception.Timeout, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN and dns.resolver.NoAnswer

async async_resolve_srv_record(query_name: str, lifetime: float | None = None) tuple[str, int][source]#

Asynchronous alternative to resolve_srv_record().

For more details, check it.

resolve_mc_srv(hostname: str, lifetime: float | None = None) tuple[str, int][source]#

Resolve SRV record for a minecraft server on given hostname.


hostname (str) – The address, without port, on which an SRV record is present.


Obtained target and port from the SRV record, on which the server should live on.


dns.exception.DNSException – One of the exceptions possibly raised by dns.resolver.resolve(). Most notably this will be dns.exception.Timeout, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN and dns.resolver.NoAnswer.

async async_resolve_mc_srv(hostname: str, lifetime: float | None = None) tuple[str, int][source]#

Asynchronous alternative to resolve_mc_srv().

For more details, check it.

class BaseStatusResponse(players: BaseStatusPlayers, version: BaseStatusVersion, motd: Motd, latency: float)[source]#

Bases: ABC

Class for storing shared data from a status response.

players: BaseStatusPlayers#

The players information.

version: BaseStatusVersion#

The version information.

motd: Motd#

Message Of The Day. Also known as description.

See also

MOTD Parsing.

latency: float#

Latency between a server and the client (you). In milliseconds.

property description: str#

Alias to the mcstatus.motd.Motd.to_minecraft() method.

abstract classmethod build(*args, **kwargs) Self[source]#

Build BaseStatusResponse and check is it valid.

  • args – Arguments in specific realisation.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments in specific realisation.


BaseStatusResponse object.

class BaseStatusPlayers(online: int, max: int)[source]#

Bases: ABC

Class for storing information about players on the server.

online: int#

Current number of online players.

max: int#

The maximum allowed number of players (aka server slots).

class BaseStatusVersion(name: str, protocol: int)[source]#

Bases: ABC

A class for storing version information.

name: str#

The version name, like 1.19.3.

See Minecraft wiki for complete list.

protocol: int#

The protocol version, like 761.

See Minecraft wiki.