Source code for mcstatus.status_response

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

from mcstatus.forge_data import ForgeData, RawForgeData
from mcstatus.motd import Motd

    from typing_extensions import NotRequired, Self, TypeAlias, TypedDict

    class RawJavaResponsePlayer(TypedDict):
        name: str
        id: str

    class RawJavaResponsePlayers(TypedDict):
        online: int
        max: int
        sample: NotRequired[list[RawJavaResponsePlayer]]

    class RawJavaResponseVersion(TypedDict):
        name: str
        protocol: int

    class RawJavaResponseMotdWhenDict(TypedDict, total=False):
        text: str  # only present if `translate` is set
        translate: str  # same to the above field
        extra: list[RawJavaResponseMotdWhenDict | str]

        color: str
        bold: bool
        strikethrough: bool
        italic: bool
        underlined: bool
        obfuscated: bool

    RawJavaResponseMotd: TypeAlias = "RawJavaResponseMotdWhenDict | list[RawJavaResponseMotdWhenDict | str] | str"

    class RawJavaResponse(TypedDict):
        description: RawJavaResponseMotd
        players: RawJavaResponsePlayers
        version: RawJavaResponseVersion
        favicon: NotRequired[str]
        forgeData: NotRequired[RawForgeData]
        modinfo: NotRequired[RawForgeData]
        enforcesSecureChat: NotRequired[bool]

    RawJavaResponsePlayer = dict
    RawJavaResponsePlayers = dict
    RawJavaResponseVersion = dict
    RawJavaResponseMotdWhenDict = dict
    RawJavaResponse = dict

__all__ = [

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BaseStatusResponse(ABC): """Class for storing shared data from a status response.""" players: BaseStatusPlayers """The players information.""" version: BaseStatusVersion """The version information.""" motd: Motd """Message Of The Day. Also known as description. .. seealso:: :doc:`/api/motd_parsing`. """ latency: float """Latency between a server and the client (you). In milliseconds.""" @property def description(self) -> str: """Alias to the :meth:`mcstatus.motd.Motd.to_minecraft` method.""" return self.motd.to_minecraft()
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def build(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Self: """Build BaseStatusResponse and check is it valid. :param args: Arguments in specific realisation. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments in specific realisation. :return: :class:`BaseStatusResponse` object. """ raise NotImplementedError("You can't use abstract methods.")
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class JavaStatusResponse(BaseStatusResponse): """The response object for :meth:`JavaServer.status() <mcstatus.server.JavaServer.status>`.""" raw: RawJavaResponse """Raw response from the server. This is :class:`~typing.TypedDict` actually, please see sources to find what is here. """ players: JavaStatusPlayers version: JavaStatusVersion enforces_secure_chat: bool | None """Whether the server enforces secure chat (every message is signed up with a key). .. seealso:: `Signed Chat explanation <>`_, `22w17a changelog, where this was added <>`_. .. versionadded:: 11.1.0 """ icon: str | None """The icon of the server. In `Base64 <>`_ encoded PNG image format. .. seealso:: :ref:`pages/faq:how to get server image?` """ forge_data: ForgeData | None """Forge mod data (mod list, channels, etc). Only present if this is a forge (modded) server.""" @classmethod def build(cls, raw: RawJavaResponse, latency: float = 0) -> Self: """Build JavaStatusResponse and check is it valid. :param raw: Raw response :class:`dict`. :param latency: Time that server took to response (in milliseconds). :raise ValueError: If the required keys (``players``, ``version``, ``description``) are not present. :raise TypeError: If the required keys (``players`` - :class:`dict`, ``version`` - :class:`dict`, ``description`` - :class:`str`) are not of the expected type. :return: :class:`JavaStatusResponse` object. """ forge_data: ForgeData | None = None if "forgeData" in raw or "modinfo" in raw: raw_forge = raw.get("forgeData") or raw.get("modinfo") assert raw_forge is not None forge_data = return cls( raw=raw,["players"]),["version"]), motd=Motd.parse(raw["description"], bedrock=False), enforces_secure_chat=raw.get("enforcesSecureChat"), icon=raw.get("favicon"), latency=latency, forge_data=forge_data, )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BedrockStatusResponse(BaseStatusResponse): """The response object for :meth:`BedrockServer.status() <mcstatus.server.BedrockServer.status>`.""" players: BedrockStatusPlayers version: BedrockStatusVersion map_name: str | None """The name of the map.""" gamemode: str | None """The name of the gamemode on the server.""" @classmethod def build(cls, decoded_data: list[Any], latency: float) -> Self: """Build BaseStatusResponse and check is it valid. :param decoded_data: Raw decoded response object. :param latency: Latency of the request. :return: :class:`BedrockStatusResponse` object. """ try: map_name = decoded_data[7] except IndexError: map_name = None try: gamemode = decoded_data[8] except IndexError: gamemode = None return cls( players=BedrockStatusPlayers( online=int(decoded_data[4]), max=int(decoded_data[5]), ), version=BedrockStatusVersion( name=decoded_data[3], protocol=int(decoded_data[2]), brand=decoded_data[0], ), motd=Motd.parse(decoded_data[1], bedrock=True), latency=latency, map_name=map_name, gamemode=gamemode, )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BaseStatusPlayers(ABC): """Class for storing information about players on the server.""" online: int """Current number of online players.""" max: int """The maximum allowed number of players (aka server slots)."""
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class JavaStatusPlayers(BaseStatusPlayers): """Class for storing information about players on the server.""" sample: list[JavaStatusPlayer] | None """List of players, who are online. If server didn't provide this, it will be :obj:`None`. Actually, this is what appears when you hover over the slot count on the multiplayer screen. .. note:: It's often empty or even contains some advertisement, because the specific server implementations or plugins can disable providing this information or even change it to something custom. There is nothing that ``mcstatus`` can to do here if the player sample was modified/disabled like this. """ @classmethod def build(cls, raw: RawJavaResponsePlayers) -> Self: """Build :class:`JavaStatusPlayers` from raw response :class:`dict`. :param raw: Raw response :class:`dict`. :raise ValueError: If the required keys (``online``, ``max``) are not present. :raise TypeError: If the required keys (``online`` - :class:`int`, ``max`` - :class:`int`, ``sample`` - :class:`list`) are not of the expected type. :return: :class:`JavaStatusPlayers` object. """ sample = None if "sample" in raw: sample = [ for player in raw["sample"]] return cls( online=raw["online"], max=raw["max"], sample=sample, )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BedrockStatusPlayers(BaseStatusPlayers): """Class for storing information about players on the server."""
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class JavaStatusPlayer: """Class with information about a single player.""" name: str """Name of the player.""" id: str """ID of the player (in `UUID <>`_ format).""" @property def uuid(self) -> str: """Alias to :attr:`.id` field.""" return @classmethod def build(cls, raw: RawJavaResponsePlayer) -> Self: """Build :class:`JavaStatusPlayer` from raw response :class:`dict`. :param raw: Raw response :class:`dict`. :raise ValueError: If the required keys (``name``, ``id``) are not present. :raise TypeError: If the required keys (``name`` - :class:`str`, ``id`` - :class:`str`) are not of the expected type. :return: :class:`JavaStatusPlayer` object. """ return cls(name=raw["name"], id=raw["id"])
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BaseStatusVersion(ABC): """A class for storing version information.""" name: str """The version name, like ``1.19.3``. See `Minecraft wiki <>`__ for complete list. """ protocol: int """The protocol version, like ``761``. See `Minecraft wiki <>`__. """
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class JavaStatusVersion(BaseStatusVersion): """A class for storing version information.""" @classmethod def build(cls, raw: RawJavaResponseVersion) -> Self: """Build :class:`JavaStatusVersion` from raw response dict. :param raw: Raw response :class:`dict`. :raise ValueError: If the required keys (``name``, ``protocol``) are not present. :raise TypeError: If the required keys (``name`` - :class:`str`, ``protocol`` - :class:`int`) are not of the expected type. :return: :class:`JavaStatusVersion` object. """ return cls(name=raw["name"], protocol=raw["protocol"])
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class BedrockStatusVersion(BaseStatusVersion): """A class for storing version information.""" name: str """The version name, like ``1.19.60``. See `Minecraft wiki <>`__ for complete list. """ brand: str """``MCPE`` or ``MCEE`` for Education Edition."""